Time Flies


Oh, yes, it does.  Especially when you’re having fun…and we’ve been having plenty of fun, that’s for sure.  In the last few days, we’ve taken a million pictures of pumpkins and farms and lots and lots of walking.

We’ve visited fields for doggy exercise and dreaming about the future. We walked along the beach and saw a whole family of seals. We’ve experienced toddler temper tantrums. We’ve eaten our fill of chowder, decadent desserts, and delicious homemade meals. And we’ve watched our little girl go from a crawling babe to a teetering toddler to a master walker.

And there was joy in every moment of it.

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5 responses

  1. So much fun! And I noticed your carrier, it looks like a Beco? I am trying to pick one for the baby.

    1. Yep, it’s a Beco Butterfly. I love it – so comfortable. I even used it a few times with the 3 yr old I watched over the summer (on my back) and it felt like nothing. We also use a Zolo Wear ring sling a lot, that’s my preference for the little ones…I didn’t really start here in the Beco until she was 5 months old. I think the sling is easier for quick ins and outs.

  2. What is Chris holding? Is it a version of a whoopie pie? It looks yummy!!

    1. It’s a banana chocolate nutterbutter. Peanut butter cookies with banana cream (he doesn’t share my aversion to buying bananas) and chocolate filling. It was good.

  3. you’re wearing jackets……. I was in a sleeveless shirt today and I was toasty….. I’m in the wrong state i think.

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